RāmakānDam by Kavana Sarma

Posted on June 27, 2010 by Satya Sarada Kandula

Recovered from : http://ancientindians.net/2010/06/27/ramakandam-by-prof-kandula-v-n-sarma-kavana-sarma-1/

My father was pretty excited and interested by my discoveries in the vālmīki rāmāyaNam. He then read through it himself and then was inspired to write the rāmāyaNam in telugu, his interpretation.

He mostly wrote by hand. He learned from me how to scan his manuscript and send posts by e-mail to his blog. Before I started (and helped him manage his blog kavanasarma.wordpress.com), we would share his work on my blog. This was the very first page, in that handwriting that is so dear to me.

This book was later published, sold and gifted. The cover art was by the famous artist and movie director Bapu. What exciting times we lived in!